Located in McDowell County, we are organic beekeepers, and our property touches the Pisgah National Forest. We are NCSBA Certified Honey Producers and have Certified Sourwood Honey. Please call us at: (828) 668-0103 or email: sharrymikell@gmail.com for detailed information. 2016-2017 & 2014-15 winners of the International Black Jar Honey Contest, Sourwood Category! We sell directly to the public and are happy to deliver on an individual basis!
Sharry Mikell
Phone: (828) 668-0103
Email This Contact
Sharry Mikell
Phone: (828) 668-0103
Email This Contact
Artisan Foods
Specialty Products
artisan crafts, beeswax
Organic (not Certified), GMO-Free, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)