We are a hobby bee farm located in East Tennessee. We currently operate 40 hives but dream daily of eventually making it to 100. Our honey is sold to family, friends, and local retail establishments. We strive to incorporate honey, wax, or both in all of the products we produce (soaps, lip balm, candles, and gift baskets with a little of everything). We also currently offer beekeeping equipment, including whole hive setups. We don't claim to be organic because we can't control where our bees forage. What I can say for certain is that bees will forage approximately a 2 mile radius around the home hive. The 2 mile forage base around Hendon Bee Farm consist of 80% forest of which approximately half is hardwood. This is important because that is where the sourwood resides and we sure love sourwood honey! The remaining forage area consists of close to 20% pasture land / hay land (important for our clovers) and less than 1% in vegetable production. The hives themselves are 800 feet from the public road so from a pesticide stand point I feel like we are in a great location to reduce the risk of pesticide exposure. Managing bee pest can be a challenge. We practice many of the IPM techniques (Integrated Pest Management) in managing for beehive pest (cinnamon for ants, screened bottom board for varroa, vegetable oil beetle traps, and we are going to try mineral oil and a fogger this year for varroa control). In addition to the bee products we also sell custom crafts and decor for your home or special occasion. Everything we sell is made by our hands. Here is a link for our online Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Hendonhomeyfarm
Melissa + Nick Mooneyham
Farm owners and operators
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Nick & Melissa Mooneyham
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Order using the above online form. Small Produce Bag ($25) (family size 1-3) Medium Produce Bag ($35) (family size 3-5) Large Produce Bag ( $50) (family size 5+)
$5 delivery fee to any address outside of Pikeville (in town)
Online Payment: VENMO @Melissa-Mooneyham PAYPAL @[email protected] ( add $2 to order to pay using this method) Mail check/ tape check to door @ pickup- Mail checks to : Hendon Honey Farm, 5661 Hendon Road, Graysville, TN 37338
Artisan Foods
Specialty Products
beeswax, candles, firewood, soap
Organic (not Certified)