An evening community market with local produce, live music, food truck dining, and handmade crafts. We offer children's activities and produce vouchers through the Nourish Kids Club, and our market doubles SNAP benefits.
Meisha Turner
Market Manager
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Meisha Turner
Market Manager
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Artisan Foods
baked goods, bread, honey, jam, preserves
Dairy & Eggs
fresh flowers
Fruits & Berries
apples, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupes, figs, plums, watermelons
fresh herbs
Meat, Fish & Fowl
Specialty Products
artisan crafts
broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chiles, collards, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, green beans, green onions, hot peppers, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, onions, pole beans, potatoes, pumpkins, radish, ramps, rutabagas, salad greens, salad mix, summer squash, sweet corn, sweet peppers, sweet potato, swiss chard, tomatoes, winter squash
EBT/SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
SNAP Incentives
In the parking lot of the Unicoi County Courthouse, on the corner of Main Ave and Tucker St
Our market season is from June 6, 2025 to August 29, 2025.