Waller Dairy is a first generation dairy farm, established in 2006, located in Sugar Grove, VA. Our names are Jacob & Kristy Waller and we own and operate the dairy. along with our three children-Owen, Jersey & Rowan. We currently have 115 milking and dry cows in our milk herd of Holstein/Jersey/Norwegian Red crossbreeds. We raise all of our dairy heifers on our farm. Waller Dairy has received the Virginia's Finest Farm brand multiple years. We work hard to produce a high quality product, with a low somatic cell count and high butterfat. "Happy Cows, Happy Milk"
Waller Dairy's Calhoun Cattle & Pork: We raise our dairy bull calves/steers with our dairy heifers, to sell for beef. The steers are pasture raised, fed the same high quality forages as our dairy heifers and given the same great daily attention that all of our dairy animals receive. Dairy animals tend to be leaner; therefore, our beef is a lean product. We currently sell our beef in whole, half or individual packages by the pound.
We also raise pigs much like our beef steers. Our pigs are also fed our high quality feeds, our nutritious corn silage and best of all, milk from our dairy cows. (Pigs love MILK!!) They also receive great daily attention and freedom. We believe happy pigs, make tender meat. We currently sell our pork in whole, half or individual packages by the pound.
Our operation is truly your family farm operation. Providing high quality products, at affordable prices, from our farm family to yours.
Kristy Waller
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Dairy & Eggs
cheese, eggs
Meat, Fish & Fowl
beef, pork
We're listed in ASAP's Wholesale Local Food Guide, ASAP's Farm to Business Trade Directory.
Pasture Raised, Conventional, Humanely Raised, Free Range, Animal Welfare Approved