We sell honey, creamed honey, candles, lip balm, soap, and other products made with beeswax and honey. We are beekeepers and have about 70 hives. We usually have wildflower and sourwood along with 17 different flavors of creamed honey.
We sell honey, creamed honey, candles, lip balm, soap, hand lotion, and other products made with beeswax and honey. We are beekeepers and have about 70 hives. We usually have wildflower and sourwood along with 17 different flavors of creamed honey. Order from our online store. If there is quite a bit to order, I will need 2 weeks in advance for some items.
Order from our online store for shipping to your door. We offer shipping. For delivery, we would have to have at least a $ 250 order.
They can order items and if they don't want to come into the shop with a mask on we can leave it outside on a table we have set outside,
Artisan Foods
baked goods, honey, jam, preserves
Fruits & Berries
Specialty Products
artisan crafts, bee pollen, beeswax, candles, soap
We're listed in ASAP's Wholesale Local Food Guide, ASAP's Farm to Business Trade Directory.
Welcome to the world of beekeeping where you will find the only self-serve honey stand in the East Tennessee area that serves its customers on the honor system. On our front porch, you will find a small shop where we have our homemade products made from honey and beeswax plus a few homemade crafts. There are many aspects to beekeeping, ranging from raising the bees and producing the honey to using the products from the hive for craft, cooking, and your health. Children 12 and under require adult supervision.
Our store is open from May 2, 2025 to December 1, 2025.
Visitors can look at the bees, and they can check out the operation we have at our farm. Please make reservations to tour farm. Children 12 and under require adult supervision.
local products to purchase, school field trips
Woman-owned, Veteran, New and Beginning Farmer (Operated farm 10 years or less)