Garner Farms, located in Newport, TN, grows vegetables, cut flowers, berries, and fruits. Some of the items you may find (which can vary depending on seasons) could be; tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peppers, herbs, lettuce, spinach, canned jams and jellies, farm fresh brown eggs and various types of flowers such as; sunflowers, zinnias, and many more cut flowers to create your own bouquet or one ready to purchase. Misty also bakes sourdough breads, cakes, cookies and all sorts of goodies that we hope to pack the stand with each week. We also offer blueberries, blackberries and in fall season.In the fall, we also cook up our very own elderberry syrup which along with honey harvested from the farm, we sell in the farm stand. Come by and see us!
Misty Garner
Phone: (865) 223-1011
Email This Contact
Misty Garner
Phone: (865) 223-1011
Email This Contact
Artisan Foods
baked goods, bread, cider, honey, jam, preserves, juice, salsa, tomato sauce
Dairy & Eggs
duck eggs, eggs
dried flowers, fresh flowers
Fruits & Berries
apples, black raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, elderberries, raspberries, strawberries
dried herbs, fresh herbs
Nuts & Seeds
chestnuts, walnuts
Specialty Products
artisan crafts, candles, Christmas wreaths, plants, soap
asparagus, broccoli, carrots, collards, cucumber, garlic, green beans, hot peppers, kale, lettuce, mustard greens, pole beans, potatoes, pumpkins, rhubarb, salad greens, salad mix, spinach, summer squash, sweet peppers, swiss chard, tomatoes, winter squash
Garner Farms, located in Newport, TN, grows vegetables, cut flowers, berries, and fruits. Some of the items you may find (which can vary depending on seasons) could be; tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peppers, herbs, lettuce, spinach, canned jams and jellies, farm fresh brown eggs and various types of flowers such as; sunflowers, zinnias, and many more cut flowers. Misty also bakes sourdough breads, cakes, cookies and all sorts of goodies that we'll pack the farm stand with each week. We also offer blueberries, blackberries In the fall, we also cook up our very own elderberry syrup which along with honey harvested from the farm, we sell in the farm stand.
Please call first to schedule a visit.
classes/workshops, farm dinner/events, local products to purchase
New and Beginning Farmer (Operated farm 10 years or less)
Organic (not Certified), GMO-Free, Pasture Raised, Humanely Raised, Permaculture, Free Range, Regenerative