This regional non-profit was formed as part of the national "Good Meat Project" which works to promote responsible, sustainable, and ethical consumption of meat, sharing with and educating community with hands-on workshops focused on reconnecting with our food sources and valuing, respecting, and honoring the animals that sacrifice their lives to nourish us, and the producers that care for them. Since then, we have matured and diversified a bit, reaching out to educate the public not just on meat production and consumption, but as well, on sustainable lifestyle choices, such as energy efficiency, responsible consumption, and environmental awareness. Check out the website where you'll find upcoming classes and workshops listed. LSC is supported by Lick Skillet Farm in New Market, Tennessee.
Alex Miller
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alex miller
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Alex miller
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events are listed on website and in newsletters
all workshops open to the public
vaccination/masks/social distancing as appropriate
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