Experience life among the flowers as you choose your own bouquet from our stunning flower field. You'll enjoy sounds of the creek and views of the mountains in an eco-friendly farm environment. We're open sunrise to sunset, every day, May-October, to suit your busy schedule. We also offer other events and picking times in the off-season, so make sure you're on our mailing list to find out more. Dive deeper into flower farm life in our wide array of personalized workshops and events. Or schedule your family or corporate event right here with the flowers.
101 Harvey Ln
Johnson City TN
(Washington County)
(Washington County)
Phone (423) 262-7541
Email Us
Jennifer Chisam
Cell: (423) 262-7541
Email This Contact
dried flowers, fresh flowers
fresh herbs
Specialty Products
artisan crafts, greenery, medicinal herbs, salves
Our beautiful fresh flowers and herbs are available for u-pick during the season, 7 days a week, sunrise to sunset. We use regenerative, eco-friendly farming practices, so can feel good about bringing your family to the field. It's self-serve, so you don't need an appointment. Our farm stand is set up so you can get your container & clippers and easily pay through cash, PayPal or credit card.
fresh flowers
May to October
fresh herbs
May to October
We offer workshops, farm tours, date nights and special events throughout the season. You can also book a private event for your company, family or group.
classes/workshops, event venue (weddings, parties, festivals), farm dinner/events, guided farm tours, hands-on activities, school field trips, summer camp
Woman-owned, Veteran, New and Beginning Farmer (Operated farm 10 years or less)
Organic (not Certified), GMO-Free, Regenerative