High Country Nursery in Fairview, NC specializes in fine and unusual landscape plants and uncommon specimen trees. This includes Japanese maples, conifers, roses, gardenias, cold hardy tropicals, select indoor and outdoor plants, bonsai; as well as, cherries, blueberries, sassafras, sourwood, mulberries, kiwi, paw paws, figs, cold hardy tea plants, and other edible fruits. The nursery focuses on container grown plants and trees - mainly Japanese maples with over five dozen cultivars available. All trees are hardy to our local climate. We have added a cold hardy banana, edgeworthia, camellias, and several russian/asian pomegranates that can grow outside in our climate also.
Tom Ross
Phone: 828 628 3959
Cell: 828 779 1981
Email This Contact
Tom Ross
Cell: (828) 779-1981
Email This Contact
Best option is discussing your needs with the owner directly at 828 779 1981 or e-mail: [email protected]
On farm pickup. Call or email for more information.
Fruits & Berries
black raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, elderberries, figs, kiwis, paw paws, persimmons, raspberries, strawberries
Specialty Products
landscape plants, plants
EBT/SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
SNAP Incentives
A visit to our farm offers a chance to see many different varieties of maples and conifers. Visitors get information on siting requirements needed for specific trees, edible and container plants. Please call ahead or e-mail for an appointment. Phone 828 779 1981 or email [email protected]
local products to purchase
Low Spray, Conventional