Strengthening sustainable local agricultural and our food economy while providing the freshest local foods in Johnson County, TN. Open May - October with seasonal vegetables, fruits, herbs and plants. Most of our produce is organic with many heirloom varieties. Farm-fresh eggs, grass fed beef, and pasture raised pork are also available. Plus, we have baked goods, hand-made crafts, and more! We accept EBT/SNAP benefits.
Johnson County Winter Farmers' Market
Johnson County Welcome Center, Lower Level, 716 S. Shady St.
Mountain City, TN 37683 (Johnson County)
(Farmers Market)
Scott Greiber
Board President
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Scott Greiber
Board President
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Artisan Foods
baked goods, bread, cider, corn meal, flour, honey, jam, preserves, pickles, salad dressing, salsa, vinegar
Dairy & Eggs
fresh flowers
Fruits & Berries
apples, asian pears, black raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupes, grapes, melons, peaches, pears, raspberries, strawberries, watermelons, wineberries
dried herbs, fresh herbs
Meat, Fish & Fowl
beef, chicken, lamb, pork
Specialty Products
artisan crafts, candles, Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths, firewood, gourds, greenery, landscape plants, medicinal herbs, plants, salves, soap
arugula, asian greens, asparagus, beets, broccoli, brussels sprout, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chiles, collards, cucumber, daikon, dry beans, eggplant, garlic, green beans, green onions, horseradish, hot peppers, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, microgreens, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, onions, parsnips, peas, pole beans, potatoes, pumpkins, radish, rhubarb, rutabagas, salad greens, salad mix, shallots, shell beans, spinach, summer squash, sweet corn, sweet peppers, sweet potato, swiss chard, tomatillos, tomatoes, turnips, winter squash
EBT/SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
SNAP Incentives
Ralph Stout Park, North Shady Street Mountain City TN, in the gravel parking lot beside the playground
Our market season is from May 3, 2025 to October 25, 2025.