Asheville's only community-owned natural foods grocery. Organic and local produce, groceries, body care, vitamins, beer and wine, bulk items and much more! Serving our community since 1975! Open to the public! Offering double-up food bucks--inquire for more info!
arugula, asian greens, asparagus, beets, broccoli, brussels sprout, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chiles, collards, cucumber, daikon, dry beans, edamame, eggplant, fava beans, garlic, green beans, green onions, horseradish, hot peppers, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, microgreens, mushrooms, mustard greens, nettles, okra, onions, parsnips, peas, pole beans, potatoes, pumpkins, radish, ramps, rhubarb, rutabagas, salad greens, salad mix, shallots, shell beans, spinach, summer squash, sun chokes, sweet corn, sweet peppers, sweet potato, swiss chard, tomatillos, tomatoes, turmeric, turnips, wasabi, watercress, winter squash
Fruits & Berries
apples, asian pears, black raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupes, cherries, elderberries, figs, grapes, kiwis, melons, muscadines, nectarines, paw paws, peaches, pears, persimmons, plums, raspberries, strawberries, watermelons, wineberries
Meat, Fish & Fowl
beef, bison, chicken, duck, geese, goat, lamb, other fish, pork, rabbit, trout, turkey
Dairy & Eggs
butter, cheese, duck eggs, eggs, goat cheese, ice cream, milk, quail eggs, yogurt
barley, buckwheat, grain corn, millet, oats, popcorn, rice, rye, soy beans, spelt, wheat
Nuts & Seeds
chestnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, walnuts
Artisan Foods
baked goods, beer, bread, butchery, charcuterie, cider, corn meal, dried fruits, flour, grits, hard cider, honey, hot sauce, jam, preserves, juice, maple syrup, pesto, pet food, pickles, salad dressing, salsa, sodas, sorghum molasses, teas, tomato sauce, vinegar, wine
dried herbs, fresh herbs
dried flowers, edible flowers, fresh flowers
sprouts, wheat grass
Specialty Products
artisan crafts, beeswax, candles, Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths, compost, decorative, floral wreaths, firewood, garlic braids, gourds, greenery, hops, medicinal herbs, ornamental corn, plants, salves, seeds, soap
See this listing in the Online Local Food Guide.
Packaging: informal
Customers per week: 600
Cases of produce purchased per week: 50
All of our produce is Organic. It doesn't need to be certified, but we will vet non-certified farms.