Fowler's Peaches & Vegetables provides fresh produce to South Carolina wholesale customers. We're a family-owned grower & wholesaler of fruit & vegetables for South Carolina and surrounding areas. We specialize in growing, packing, shipping and wholesale distribution of squash, zucchini, peaches, muscadines, and jalapeno peppers, and other produce for our wholesale customers in South Carolina and beyond.
1605 Goodjoin
Campabello SC
(Spartanburg County)
(Spartanburg County)
Phone (864) 304-8093
Email Us
Wally Fowler
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cucumber, eggplant, hot peppers, summer squash
Fruits & Berries
muscadines, peaches, strawberries, watermelons
Fowler's Peaches & Vegetables provides fresh produce to South Carolina wholesale customers. We're a family-owned grower & wholesaler of fruit & vegeta
See this listing in the Online Local Food Guide.
Grocery Stores
Schools or Colleges
Certified Naturally Grown, GAP Certified
Our Distribution Area: Locally - within a 40 mile radius
Minimum Order for Delivery: 50 boxes
Packaging: standard