We transform our farm's freshest, organically grown produce into delicious foods that nourish your body and soul. We're dedicated to crafting food products free from seed oils, processed sugar, and harmful pesticides - full of health benefits. Our mission is to create wholesome foods that bring health and happiness to your table. When you savor the fruits of our labor, you're not just enjoying a meal—you're partaking on a journey towards better health and well-being. This is our way of giving glory to God. With every product we offer, you can delight in the pure, unblemished taste of nature’s bounty. Check out www.feastofedenfood.com.
Rand Gifford
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Our goal at Feast of Eden is to take fresh organically grown produce from our farm and turn it into soups and pestos that nourish the body.
See this listing in the Online Local Food Guide.
Grocery Stores
Processors/Food Entrepreneurs
Schools or Colleges
Hospitals or Other Foodservice
Our Distribution Area: Within the Asheville area
Minimum Order for Delivery: no minimum
Packaging: standard