Local & sustainable farm-house seasonings, infused sea salt & sugars, & herbal beverages that bring your food to life! We grow, wild-harvest, & domestically source most of our ingredients. We believe it is important to know, not just where your meat & vegetables come from, but also your spices. It starts on the Well Seasoned Table Farm and keeps growing. We partner with many local, regional, and domestic farms to source our farm-grown ingredients. From garlic to tomatoes to mushrooms, we are connecting you to the farmers who make this area great! One of the truly unique elements of Well Seasoned Table products is that whenever possible we wild-harvest our ingredients. This is done sustainably, by managing our harvests with regeneration in mind. All of our foragers/wildcrafters are thoroughly trained in not just identification but also the science of plant and fungi population dynamics and how to properly harvest. Whenever possible we use invasive plants to attempt to limit their natural spread as much as possible. We work hard to find unique and interesting ways to bring the flavors of the Appalachian Mountains to your table. We love working with other small, local businesses and organizations to accomplish this mission. Businesses like Pure Fire Foods, Celtic Sea Salt, Fermenti, and the Utopian Seed Project to name a few.
Well Seasoned Table
NC (Buncombe County)
Sarah Wickers
Phone: (828) 365-8801
Email This Contact
Sarah Wickers
Phone: (828) 365-8801
Email This Contact
Online ordering is available on our website with shipping available for the USA.
Free Asheville, NC area delivery on orders over $60.
North Asheville Tailgate Market
Gaining Ground Farm Black Trumpet Farm The Utopian Seed Project
North Asheville Tailgate Market
French Broad Chocolate Red Moon Herbs Fermenti. Sister of Mother Earth
Artisan Foods
dried flowers, edible flowers
dried herbs, fresh herbs
Specialty Products
medicinal herbs
We're listed as both a buyer and supplier in ASAP's Wholesale Local Food Guide, ASAP's Farm to Business Trade Directory.