Dillingham Family Farm is located at the end of Dillingham Road, near the Coleman Boundary. We offer USDA inspected grass fed beef, pastured pork, and a diverse selection of vegetables in the summer. We also offer soy-free non-gmo eggs and chicken. We have Lamb available in the fall and winter! Visit our website to learn more about our online ordering and pickup options.
Spice Cove Dr.
Barnardsville NC
(Buncombe County)
6 Spice Cove Dr
Barnardsville NC 28709
(Buncombe County)
Phone (828) 230-2667
Email Us
Emily Dillingham
Cell: (828) 230-2667
Email This Contact
Emily Dillingham
Cell: (828) 230-2667
Email This Contact
Monday local home delivery: Order by Saturday. Wednesday pickup: Order by Monday at Midnight - Pick up at Weaverville Tailgate Market. Saturday pickup: Order by Thursday - Pick up at Mars Hill Farmers' Market.
Order by Saturday evening/midnight for Monday home delivery. We deliver to Barnardsville, Weaverville, and the North side of Asheville every Monday.
All of our locations--home delivery and Weaverville Tailgate Market--accept online payment. Pick up is available by appointment. Contact Emily for more information.
Artisan Foods
jam, preserves
Dairy & Eggs
Fruits & Berries
blueberries, strawberries
Meat, Fish & Fowl
beef, chicken, lamb, pork
cabbage, hot peppers, leeks, okra, onions, pumpkins, summer squash, sweet corn, sweet peppers, tomatoes, winter squash
Organic (not Certified), GMO-Free, Pasture Raised, Humanely Raised, Free Range, Regenerative