On 250 acres in northeast TN, Grace Meadows Farm produces pumpkins, watermelons, peppers, tomatoes, corn, fall annual flowers, and sunflowers as well as cool season crops such as cabbage and broccoli. We grow for our full service family-style restaurant as well as to sell fresh produce to our guests. We also sell wreaths and Christmas trees, starting the last week in November. We also have a creamery on site serving homemade ice cream - 16 flavors plus seasonal flavors!
The Creamery at Grace Meadows Farm
170 John France Road
Jonesborough, TN 37659 (Washington County)
(Restaurant or Bakery)
(Washington County)
170 John France Rd
Jonesborough TN 37659
(Washington County)
Phone (423) 297-9199
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Hospitals or Other Foodservice
Organic (not Certified), Low Spray, GMO-Free, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Pasture Raised, Conventional, Biodynamic, Wild Harvested, Humanely Raised, Permaculture, Free Range, Certified Naturally Grown, GAP Certified, Animal Welfare Approved, Regenerative